School Policies » Discipline Policy

Discipline Policy

As a student at Franklin D. Roosevelt High School you have every opportunity to be educated by a staff of knowledgeable and concerned teachers. However, it also means that you have certain responsibilities. The following is a list of rules and regulations that apply to all students.

A. Franklin D. Roosevelt High School Rules and Regulations:

1. Students must carry program cards and I.D. cards and be prepared to identify themselves at all times to any staff member who asks for identification.
2. No student has a free period. Students are accountable to some place every period.
3. Cutting is not allowed. Students may not leave the building for any reason, including lunch, without official permission. Cutting may cause failure in subject classes, pre-suspense conference or a truancy report from the NYC Police Department.
4. Lateness to class is not acceptable. Excessive lateness may result in a parent/guardian conference or a failure in your subject classes.
5. No students are allowed to ride the elevator without an official and updated elevator pass.
6. Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the building or on the perimeter of the school building. If a student is caught smoking, it may result in a Principal’s Suspension.
7. Students may not leave the building without permission. Students with lunch must report to the cafeteria. Students are allowed in the cafeteria only for the assigned period.
8. No hats, hoods, do-rags, flags, beads, bandanas or colors are tolerated (no gang colors or any other type of gang paraphernalia).
9. Carrying magic markers or any other markers/sprays for graffiti is prohibited. Defacing any aspect of school property will not be tolerated.
10. Vandalism – destroying or mutilating any school property will not be tolerated.
11. No loitering or trespassing.
12 Any action in or around the building which is disruptive to the educational process will not be tolerated.
13. No weapons are allowed (Laser Beams are considered weapons). Possession will result in an automatic Superintendent’s Suspension and/or expulsion from school.
14. No electronic devices (Walkman, MP3, iPod, CD player, PSP) or cell phones are permitted in school. They will be confiscated and returned to your parent/guardian.
15. Any action, including fighting, which is a threat to the health, safety, welfare and/or
property of any individual will not be tolerated.

B. Violators of school rules will be promptly and firmly dealt with in compliance with the citywide standards of discipline and intervention measures of The NYC Department of Education (each student will receive a copy of the Chancellor’s discipline code book):

1. Letter to parent/guardian
2. Phone call to parent/guardian
3. Parent/Guardian conference
4. Detention (After School)
5. Pre-Suspension conference with parent/guardian and Dean
6. Principal Suspension
7. Superintendent Suspension
8. Issue of Youth Referral by NYC Police Department
9. Arrest by the NYC Police Dept. or School Safety Agents
10. Expulsion form School