Goals/ESLRs (Expected Schoolwide learning Results)
School Goals 2021-2022
ELA Performance Level
By June, 2022, there will be a 3 point increase in the average ELA MAP Growth RIT score over student scores on the matching benchmark given in September 2021 from 221 to 224.
Math Performance Level
By June, 2022, there will be a 3 point increase in average Math MAP Growth scores over student scores on the matching benchmark given in September 2021 from 232 to 235.
4-Year Graduation
By June, 2022, Graduation Rate for English Language Learners will Increase 3%, from 67 to 70, as measured by Daily Attendance.
College, Career and Civic Readiness
By June, 2022, College, Career & Civic Readiness (CCCR) for Hispanic will Increase 10%, from 60 to 70, as measured by Student scholarship rates in ENL/ELA classes.
Chronic Absenteeism
By June, 2022, Chronic Absenteeism for All Students will Decrease 8.4%, from 45 to 36.6, as measured by Chronic Absenteeism Rate.
Quality Individualized Education Program
By June, 2022, to strengthen the quality and implementation of IEPs for All Students with Disabilities (SWD), we will improve Timeliness of IEP Completion by Increase 2, from 91.5 to 93.5, as measured by SESIS IEP Completion Report.
Supportive Environment Framework (SEF)
By June, 2022, practices related to Social-Emotional Support will improve 5%, from 63 to 68, in percent of teachers who say that adults at their school teach students the skills they need to regulate their behavior (by focusing their attention, controlling their emotions, or managing their thinking, behavior, and feelings), resulting in improved Safety & Restorative Approaches to Behavior.