Admissions » Freshman Applying for 10th Grade Transfer

Freshman Applying for 10th Grade Transfer



Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!


Students currently residing in New York City and attending grade 9 for the first time can submit an application for High School, including Specialized High Schools and LaGuardia High School. Applications are available from October 1, 2024 through December 4, 2024.


2024-2025 High School Admissions Dates: You will find a timeline to help you keep track of all important due dates for the upcoming High School Admissions process here in the High School Admission Resource Folder for school counselors.
    • October 1 – HS Application, SHSAT Registration, and LaGuardia application open!
    • October 18 – SHSAT registration closes.
    • December 4 – HS and LGA application close.


Help families login to MySchools:

  • For families who have already used MySchools in a previous year, they just need to log in! They can re-set their MySchools password if needed. If a family logs into MySchools and does not see their child’s name on the Dashboard page, that’s okay--they just need their welcome letter, and they should follow the instructions there. You can get your Welcome letter from room 106 after September 23, 2024.
  • For families who have never used MySchools before, their personalized welcome letter will help them set up their MySchools account and add their child using their unique account creation code.

Register students for the SHSAT by October 18,2024:

  • Registration for the SHSAT will open October 1st, and the deadline to register is October 18th. Registration is not  first-come first-served; all students who register by the deadline will be able to take the SHSAT. 
    • School staff can resubmit to update any student’s registration at any time until the registration deadline on October 18. School counselors can also access the registration receipt for all of their current students who are registered for the SHSAT. 
    • The LaGuardia High School application is a separate process than the SHSAT. LaGuardia will not be an eligible choice for SHSAT preferences since the SHSAT is not used for admissions to LaGuardia High School.
    • Families will be able to log in and register, and school staff can also register students in the school-facing MySchools site (
    • During registration, student preferences will need to be added for the eight testing Specialized High Schools. The preference order decides how students are considered for each Specialized High School, starting with their first preference. 
    • Test tickets, which will be available in MySchools later at the end of October, are not the same as the registration receipt. Test tickets will not become available until after the SHSAT registration deadline, and will have information on the time, date, and location for each individual SHSAT tester. Families and school staff will be notified by email when test tickets are available, and they will be able to access them in MySchools.

Review testing accommodations for the SHSAT by October 18, 2024:

  • Students who already receive testing accommodations on their assessments in school are entitled to testing accommodations on the SHSAT. This includes:
    • Students with existing testing accommodations on their current IEP.
    • Students with an existing 504 Plan that includes testing accommodations.
    • Students who are English Language Learners (ELL) or eligible former English Language Learners.
    • Public school and charter school students who have a 504 plan: school staff should read Section 6 of the MySchools Guide for details about how to request testing accommodations for these students. The deadline to submit 504 plans (only for weekend testers) is October 18, but please submit them sooner if possible.

Help families prepare for the SHSAT. Access and review practice materials on our website.

Test dates and locations will be available on our website:

Resources for schools and families:

As always, please contact us at [email protected] with any questions.


Submitting an Application

When applications are available, an application can be submitted any of the following ways:


Families should visit to review high school options. Users can search for programs using the following criteria:

  • School or program name
  • Program features (using keyword search)
  • Subway line
  • Sports
  • Interest Areas
  • School Size
  • Proximity to Home


Visit this site to receive Enrollment support:


Specialized High Schools

Families can complete a separate applications to apply for the nine Specialized High Schools. A High School application is not required to complete an application for the Specialized High Schools. Students can register for the Specialized High Schools Admission Test (SHSAT) to apply for the following eight programs:

  • Stuyvesant High School
  • The Bronx High School of Science
  • Brooklyn Technical High School
  • Staten Island Technical High School
  • The Brooklyn Latin School
  • High School of American Studies At Lehman College
  • High School of Mathematics, Science, and Engineering at City College
  • Queens High School for the Sciences at York College

Families interested in applying for Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School are able to audition for any program of interest. Auditions are completed virtually with all materials uploaded. The deadline to submit materials is December 1, 2023.

For step-by-step assistance with registering for the Specialized High Schools online, click here.


Offers and Waitlists

Offers will be available in Spring 2025. All students attending an NYC DOE public school will receive an offer for high school, even if an application was not submitted. Your child may receive up to three different offers based on the applications submitted. Students may get an offer through the High School application, Specialized High School Admission Test results, and LaGuardia auditions.

All families will get an offer letter through the mail. To view your offer, please do any of the following:

  • Log into MySchools. If you did not submit your application in MySchools, you can still see offer information. Ask your child's current school for their Account Creation Code and OSIS number.
  • Speak with your current school's counselor to get a copy.
  • Visit a Family Welcome Center.

There are four admissions factor used when determining if a student will receive an offer:

  • Choice Ranking: Your child will only receive an offer to a program ranked higher on their application. List your application choices in the order you prefer.
  • Seat Availability: The amount of seats a program has versus the amount of applications received. Some programs will receive more applicants than seats available.
  • Your child's priority group for the program: Some programs will get priority to students that apply. Living or attending a school in the district or borough may give your child a higher priority for attendance.
  • The program's admission method: This is how the program selects students. Some programs will use a random selection of applicants. Other programs will rank students as part of a screening process.

If your child did not receive their first choice, they will be placed on the school's waitlist. This process is completed for all programs listed higher on the application than the program offered to your child. There is no appeals process for High School admissions.

For more information on waitlists, please review our Waitlist page.



Testing Accommodations on the SHSAT:

  • Students who already receive testing accommodations on their assessments in school are entitled to testing accommodations on the SHSAT.​ This includes:​
    • Students with existing testing accommodations on their current IEP.​
    • Students with an existing 504 Plan that includes testing accommodations.​
    • Students who are English Language Learners (ELL) or eligible former English Language Learners.


Resources for schools and families:



If you are having any difficulties or need help registering, please go to Room 106, Guidance Department and ask for Ms. Loretta.