Dear Parents/Guardians,
A Parent Association (PA) or Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is the official organization of the parent body in a school. Every New York City public school is required by the State Education Law and the DOE’s Chancellor’s Regulations to have one, and all parents of children in a school -- including step-parents, legally appointed guardians, foster parents and persons in parental relation -- are automatically members of their school’s PA/PTA. Because of their guaranteed rights and responsibilities, PA/PTAs can be the most direct vehicle for parent involvement in the schools, allowing parents to serve as partners both in their children’s educations and in the schools themselves.
PA/PTA officers’ terms are one year, from July 1 to June 30
Mandatory PA/PTA officers are president, treasurer and recording secretary.
The PTA’s executive board runs the organization; it also serves as the parents’ voice and agent for action. Parents elect board officers (the president, treasurer, recording secretary, at a minimum) to represent their interests and act on their behalf, and the board must consult with them regularly and hold votes on important issues and decisions.
SLT members, including students and CBO representatives, are eligible to receive an annual remuneration of $300. Members may receive the fee upon completing 30 hours of service on the SLT and attending a mandatory DOE training session relating to CEPs and budget issues each year. Members who attend less than 30 hours of the training may request remuneration on a
pro-rata basis. Members must choose whether to accept the annual remuneration, or waive it and donate the funds to be used for other school purpose.
The Title I Parent Committee
Is composed of representatives elected by Title I parents. All parents of children in the school’s Title I program are eligible to serve on the committee. Title I parents may choose whether the committee is a subcommittee of the school’s PA/PTA or a separate Title I Parent Advisory Council (PAC).
FDR HS PTA Executive Board