Global History & Geography 3 & 4
The World in 1750
Unit 1
10.1 THE WORLD in 1750: The world in 1750 was marked by powerful Eurasian states and empires, coastal African kingdoms, and growing European maritime empires. The interactions of these states, empires, and kingdoms disrupted regional trade networks and influenced the development of new global trade networks.
10.1a Powerful Eurasian states and empires faced and responded to challenges ca. 1750.
10.1b Perceptions of outsiders and interactions with them varied across Eurasia
1750–1914: An Age of Revolutions, Industrialization, and Empires
Unit 2
10.2: ENLIGHTENMENT, REVOLUTION, AND NATIONALISM: The Enlightenment called into question traditional beliefs and inspired widespread political, economic, and social change. This intellectual movement was used to challenge political authorities in Europe and colonial rule in the Americas. These ideals inspired political and social movements.
10.2: ENLIGHTENMENT, REVOLUTION, AND NATIONALISM: The Enlightenment called into question traditional beliefs and inspired widespread political, economic, and social change. This intellectual movement was used to challenge political authorities in Europe and colonial rule in the Americas. These ideals inspired political and social movements.
10.2a Enlightenment thinkers developed political philosophies based on natural laws, which included the concepts of social contract, consent of the governed, and the rights of citizens.
10.2b Individuals used Enlightenment ideals to challenge traditional beliefs and secure people’s rights in reform movements, such as women’s rights and abolition; some leaders may be considered enlightened despots.
10.2c Individuals and groups drew upon principles of the Enlightenment to spread rebellions and call for revolutions in France and the Americas.
10.2d Cultural identity and nationalism inspired political movements that attempted to unify people into new nation-states and posed challenges to multinational states
Unit 3
10.3 CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION: Innovations in agriculture, production, and transportation led to the Industrial Revolution, which originated in Western Europe and spread over time to Japan and other regions. This led to major population shifts and transformed economic and social systems.
10.3a Agricultural innovations and technologies enabled people to alter their environment, allowing them to increase and support farming on a large scale.
10.3b Factors including new economic theories and practices, new sources of energy, and technological innovations influenced the development of new communication and transportation systems and new methods of production. These developments had numerous effects.
10.3c Shifts in population from rural to urban areas led to social changes in class structure, family structure, and the daily lives of people.
10.3d Social and political reform, as well as new ideologies, developed in response to industrial growth.
Unit 4
10.4 IMPERIALISM: Western European interactions with Africa and Asia shifted from limited regional contacts along the coast to greater influence and connections throughout these regions. Competing industrialized states sought to control and transport raw materials and create new markets across the world.
10.4a European industrialized states and Japan sought to play a dominant role in the world and to control natural resources for political, economic, and cultural reasons.
10.4b Those who faced being colonized engaged in varying forms of resistance and adaptation to colonial rule with varying degrees of success.
10.4c International conflicts developed as imperial powers competed for control. Claims over land often resulted in borders being shifted on political maps, often with little regard for traditional cultures and commerce
1914–Present: Crisis and Achievement in the 20th Century
Unit 5
10.5 UNRESOLVED GLOBAL CONFLICT (1914–1945): World War I and World War II led to geopolitical changes, human and environmental devastation, and attempts to bring stability and peace.
10.5 UNRESOLVED GLOBAL CONFLICT (1914–1945): World War I and World War II led to geopolitical changes, human and environmental devastation, and attempts to bring stability and peace.
10.5a International competition, fueled by nationalism, imperialism, and militarism along with shifts in the balance of power and alliances, led to world wars
10.5b Technological developments increased the extent of damage and casualties in both World War I and World War II.
10.5c The devastation of the world wars and use of total war led people to explore ways to prevent future world wars.
10.5d Nationalism and ideology played a significant role in shaping the period between the world wars (1918-1939)
1. Students will examine the Russian Revolution and the development of Soviet ideology and nationalism under Lenin and Stalin.
2. Students will examine the role of nationalism and the development of the National Socialist state under Hitler in Germany.
3. Students will examine the role of nationalism and militarism in Japan
4. Students will investigate the causes of the Great Depression and its influence on the rise of totalitarian dictators and determine the common characteristics of these dictators.
10.5e Human atrocities and mass murders occurred in this time period.
Unit 6
10.6 UNRESOLVED GLOBAL CONFLICT (1945–1991: THE COLD WAR): The second half of the 20th century was shaped by the Cold War, a legacy of World War II. The United States and the Soviet Union emerged as global superpowers engaged in ideological, political, economic, and military competition.
10.6a The Cold War originated from tensions near the end of World War II as plans for peace were made and implemented. The Cold War was characterized by competition for power and ideological differences between the United States and the Soviet Union.
10.6b The Cold War was a period of confrontations and attempts at peaceful coexistence.
10.6c The end of the Cold War and the collapse of the communist bloc in Europe had a global impact.
Unit 7
10.7 DECOLONIZATION AND NATIONALISM (1900–2000): Nationalist and decolonization movements employed a variety of methods, including nonviolent resistance and armed struggle. Tensions and conflicts often continued after independence as new challenges arose.
10.7a Independence movements in India and Indochina developed in response to European
10.7b African independence movements gained strength as European states struggled economically after World War II. European efforts to limit African nationalist movements were often unsuccessful.
10.7c Nationalism in the Middle East was often influenced by factors such as religious beliefs and secularism.
10.7d Nationalism in China influenced the removal of the imperial regime, led to numerous conflicts, and resulted in the formation of the communist People’s Republic of China.
Contemporary Issues
Unit 8
10.8 TENSIONS BETWEEN TRADITIONAL CULTURES AND MODERNIZATION: Tensions exist between traditional cultures and agents of modernization. Reactions for and against modernization depend on perspective and context.
10.8a Cultures and countries experience and view modernization differently. For some, it is a change from a traditional rural, agrarian condition to a secular, urban, industrial condition. Some see modernization as a potential threat and others as an opportunity to be met.
10.8b Tensions between agents of modernization and traditional cultures have resulted in ongoing debates within affected societies regarding social norms, gender roles, and the role of authorities and institutions
Unit 9
Technological changes have resulted in a more interconnected world, affecting economic and political relations and in some cases leading to conflict and in others to efforts to cooperate. Globalization and population pressures have led to strains on the environment.
Technological changes have resulted in a more interconnected world, affecting economic and political relations and in some cases leading to conflict and in others to efforts to cooperate. Globalization and population pressures have led to strains on the environment.
10.9a Technological changes in communication and transportation systems allow for
instantaneous interconnections and new networks of exchange between people and places that
have lessened the effects of time and distance.
instantaneous interconnections and new networks of exchange between people and places that
have lessened the effects of time and distance.
10.9b Globalization is contentious, supported by some and criticized by others.
10.9c Population pressures, industrialization, and urbanization have increased demands for limited natural resources and food resources, often straining the environment.
10.9d Globalization has created new possibilities for international cooperation and for international conflict
Unit 10
10.10 HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS: Since the Holocaust, human rights violations have generated worldwide attention and concern. The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights has provided a set of principles to guide efforts to protect threatened groups and has served as a lens through which historical occurrences of oppression can be evaluated.
10.10a Following World War II, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) was written. This provides a set of principles to guide efforts to protect threatened groups.
10.10b Governments, groups, and individuals have responded in various ways to the human atrocities committed in the 20th and 21st centuries.
10.10c Historical and contemporary violations of human rights can be evaluated, using the principles and articles established within the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Last updated by S. Mactas 5/24/22