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Hello and Welcome to the FDR Social Studies Page.  I am Christine Wallace, the Assistant Principal of the Social Studies Department. Our goal and mission at FDR High School is to create informed, knowledgeable, and culturally aware citizens in a diverse learning community. We believe that every child learns differently, so our teachers tailor their instruction to assure the development of an educated and engaged population.

The Social Studies Department at FDR High School is committed to providing every child with a rigorous, individualized curriculum to support their academic growth and readiness for college.  Our school offers courses mandated by New York State including Global History and Geography (9th and 10th grade), United States History & Government  (11th Grade), Participation in Government (1 semester) and Economics (1 semester). In addition, FDR offers a variety of Advanced Placement Courses including AP World History: Modern, AP United States History, and AP Government.  Each Advanced Placement course ends with an exam from the College Board.  A passing grade on an AP exam gives a student college credit before high school graduation. 


This page was created to help students and parents navigate through the Social Studies curriculum while attending FDR high school. Please click on the course you are enrolled in to find information, links, and videos that will help you with your class.  If you have any questions or concerns Please contact me at (718) 621-8800 and/or [email protected].


Happy Learning,


Christine Wallace

Assistant Principal, Social Studies

Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School

5800 20th Ave

Brooklyn, NY 11204